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Yushanjian Formation

Yushanjian Fm


Age Interval: 
Middle Jurassic, (TJ88)


Type Locality and Naming

It was named by the Regional Survey Party of Zhejiang Province in 1963. The naming section is located at the Yushanjian Peak about 5 km northwest of the Baishe area, Lanxi County, Zhejiang Province, with its reference section being situated in the area extending from the Wangsha Stream to the Tangren region, Tongshan Township, Zhuji County.

Synonym: (渔山尖组)

Lithology and Thickness

Lower member represents an alternating layer of yellow-brown, yellow-green and grey-green conglomerates, pebble-bearing sandstones, siltstones and silty mudstones, intercalated occasionally with grey-violet siltstones, carbonaceous shale and inconsistent lenticular coal beds, with a thickness of 2516 m. Upper member is composed of dark-violet massive conglomerates, pebble-bearing sandstones, poststones (=fine-grained sandstone) and siltstones, with a thickness of about 370 m.

Lithology Pattern: 
Aus conglomerate

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

Its basal part is in a conformable contact with the underlying Majian Fm

Upper contact

In some areas the formation overlies directly still older strata. Regionally, the schematic strat column indicates the next younger unit as Laocun Fm [? – Cretaceous Lexicon entry for the Laocun Fm has its span as only early Hauterivian => a major discontinuity between it and the underlying Yushanjian Fm of mid-Jurassic.]

Regional extent

It is distributed mainly in the area extending from Yushanjian Peak of the Baishe Township of Lanxi County through the Tongshan region of Zhuji City to Shaoxing City, as well as in the areas of Lijia Village, Fengshugang Hills, Meicheng Township of Jiande City, Changmingqiao Bridge of Yuhang County and Wentang Village of Changxing County. There are great differences in the lithology and facies of the formation between various regions of its occurrence. As in the Tongshan area of Zhuji City the basal part of the formation is composed of conglomerates with a thickness of 170 m, gradating upwards into calcareous sandstones and siltstones, intercalated occasionally with pebble-bearing sandstones, siltstones, mudstones, carbonaceous shales and coal beds, yielding bivalve fossils as represented by the Ferganoconcha-Sibireconcha-Pseudocardinia assemblage and the mixed Psilunio-Lamprotula (Eol.)-Cuneopsis assemblage, with a thickness of 1914 m. In the Lijia Village the formation is composed of an alternating layer of a set of purple sandy conglomerates in association with mudstones, with its middle and upper parts being intercalated with carbonaceous shales and thin coal beds, and with a thickness of about 858 m; while in the area of Wentang Village of Changxing County the formation is composed of purple and violet-grey sandy shales, intercalated with grey-white quartz-sandstones, yielding bivalve and Gastropod fossils, with a thickness of about 343 m.




It yields bivalve fossils as represented by the Ferganoconcha-Sibireconcha-Pseudocardinia assemblage; Ostracod fossils as represented by the Darwinula magma-D. sarytirmenensis assemblage; and plant fossils as represented by Coniopteris cf. hymenophylloides, Klukia cf. exilis, Ptilophyllum pecten, Thomassiocladus sp. and Pagiophyllum sp. In addition, there are found to occur also gastropods, “conchostraca” and Charophyta fossils.


Schematic strat column in previous "red Chinese Lexicon" had implied that the Yushanjian Fm spanned the Middle Jurassic.

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

The formation is suggested as fluvial–lacustrine facies deposits.

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Jingeng Sha (coordinator)